Van Jones is one hip dude -- stepping out here in a wonderful self-produced set from the Virgina scene of the early 80s -- but one that crackles with the best sort of sound of the New York scene of the time! The record's really well done -- a great mix of funky steppers and mellower numbers that reminds us of some of our favorite indie soul sides in the post-disco years -- with a really lean feel overall, but one that's the result of focus, more than just a rough production on Van's part. The upbeat tracks mix in wicked keyboards and bass bits -- and often have two or more female voices stepping along with the grooves -- and the few mellower tracks slide in nicely too, with a sound that's smooth but never too slick. One of those rare indie sides that really sounds like it should have been more pro at the time -- with titles that include "Let's Go This Go", "Say Ow Ow Ow", "Take To The Light & World", "Not About That", "She's A FFF", and "Loving & Hugging".
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